In the Blink of an Eye
My eyes followed the gentle curves of the tiny face
in hopes of capturing the time we’d lost.
Dim memories of stolen moments in this place,
My arms, a sanctuary for this perfect child of one.
Time’s arrow flew swiftly toward a future scene.
My seed had blossomed like a flower in the sun.
In a single moment, she held the promise of thirteen.
Slender and delicate; a porcelain rose, glowing
with bright innocence, she watched with my own green
eyes. I desired to love her without showing
how much I missed having her in my life.
The fire of her intellect surpassed her emotional air,
which my maternal presence breathed into her spirit.
But she saw the heartbreak it causes to care,
imagined her own future child, and chose to fear it.
I gently reached out to soothe her fears
and reassured her from the depths of my soul
that even a moment with her was worth all the tears,
and for her, like me, the love of a child
would make her whole.
By permission of the author.,
Artwork by Darryl Anka.,
Very deep, insightful account.